Thursday, October 15, 2009

long time, no see

Sorry for the lack of updates guys. I've been incredibly busy working with school-related stuff. Here's a relatively new poem!

The Spring

I came upon
a pool of water
sitting silver in the light.
Staring into the still surface,
the unstirred, undisturbed pool,
illumined to the bottom its living underbelly.
as time elapsed
my eyes engaged at first
with the glorified inconstancy and youth
the permeation of cast and calling
synchronized with the intricately cut composition,
the water, the reflection, refraction and
the silver cords of light passing through it all.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Old Fodder

Here's a slightly older one I wrote just before summer started. I'm still waiting on finishing the edits for my series, once I get that done a lot of new work will flow out as well.

Phantom Limbs and Peripheries

The ghost man marches before the gloom of morn,
before the dew settles, and a new world born.
He is many shades of darkness, walking and unable to be caught.
Evaporating in front of eyes which may only visualize
something that resembles an aerated ink blot.
He treads like a visual whisper among the mist.

The ghost man is missing a limb,
walking through the mortuary with one arm.
He gropes at the gap in his missing rib,
but with no eyes, he cannot see that he is condemned.
As he wanders away from the north star,
the wind rises, and with it the dust.
Ignorance is enlightened, out of our reach
heaven stretches infinitely far.

This lost man is only ever found in the corner of one’s eye.
When once his disfigured form meets history
his shadowy body blurs and blends with the sky.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Who Knows

Finished rough work on my series Organics. It will be a little while for editing, but I'll be putting the parts up every two days once I start. Seven parts. I think it will be fun, just have to slug through the horrifying mess of editing. For now, here is a newer poem I wrote a few days ago.


Without steady hands
its turned over
and over.
Flicked - it sways
and weighs the heavy odds
of shabby cloaks and jeweled rods.
To the top-down fall of our
everything and all.
-Tough luck
the King's crown on the face of the coin
faces us.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hello, just thought I'd outline what I plan to do over the next few weeks. I'll be releasing a few smaller poems here and there, but I am currently working on a newer/more major project. I'll be releasing new sections of the project here, so check up and maybe you'll see some rough drafts or something. Hopefully it will build into some lord of the rings type epicness. Have a good one everybody.

Room of a thousand keys

I was locked in a spacious room

and upon the walls I could see

photographs and paintings rich,

and even taller libraries.

hanging from thinly strung strings

were many shining keys,

and I walked about this room, studying its luxuries.

every amusement and every novelty

could not distract from my noticing

that there were no doors to this room,

but one thousand keys.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Two poems

Autumn is auburn in the ache of morning's rise,
with the senses senescent to gradients of blue.
Blearily bleached eyes run from sun filled openings
and hands try to hold onto semblances of sentences.
Creaking joints comply to pressure,
the watered down dawn of the dark.
Every eve kneels and sees overanxious stars
settling in to give up,
always to the endless swirl of senescent stars.

In Praise of a Straight Line

is something in
ironies best.
top down it goes in
syllabic stress.
straight way
until the y
a cliff
too deep to see
the bottom.
so eas
y it is to
ease up.
let go
and free yourself
from drag.
this is
why I praise the
certainty, the
sure foot,
the undeterred
straight line.

Gradients of Blue

Hello all. This blog (as much as I hate saying that I, in fact, have a blog) will not entirely be a blog. For the most part this will count as a platform for me to share some creative works with friends and any others who may be unfortunate enough to stumble upon it. I'll keep the meanderings to a minimum. Hopefully this may be an intriguing way to share some works, as far as I read on the sites policies they said they reserve no right to any thing published here (here's hoping I read correctly). Hazaa. I'll probably have a decent feed, maybe weekly. Otherwise, too bad. Maybe a rant here and there. Get psyched.