Tuesday, July 27, 2010



Two eyes looked into me through the darkness;
two shades darker
than the night that drowned them.
The eyes that opened
and the manner in which they opened
disturbed the unmoving night air
with the noumena of fear.

I was unable to
know why they chose me,
or from which distant deeps or skies
it was made, malignant and horribly alive.
No window can frame this,
no epithet can encapsulate
the dark indefinite borders
that ensnare the outlook
that grips me so completely.

When it was given the breath of life
that air must have transfigured
the sepulchral moon into
a melancholic vermillion,
discordant, and cholerically
circling the night.

Unable to see it
as it exists, in itself,
I am left only to assume
all of its essence, because

those mysteries close themselves
pitch drowns the dark vision,
the apparition seals
the window to the soul.
And I am left
unable to know, whether
it meant me any harm,
other than this.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


The Image of Alterity

a trick knee
is the ultimate blind spot
a snapping from the inside

or this bone spur
a build up of calcium
and discarded grudges

these are the body’s brave faced defectors
the inept entities that are all
concept without form

but all the connective tissue links to –
every relation, this is the definition
this is contraception

the unmaking of the self
through a bee hive of an osteoma
that spreads across your own borders

or finding that your own name
is an anagram
for everything that you hate

the only opposition you can’t see
is yourself